Saturday, March 28, 2009

My anger rips people apart like they're paper,

Really? Are you that pathetic, "I've been dating him for 2 weeks. Omg I love him". Seriously shut the hell up! People like you should be sent to an island with your kind, so you can kill each other. I'm not a very hateful person, but when you have the nerve to bring my mom into something, and act like the innocent one, you should be hit. Stop walking around like you are just gods gift for all these helpless people, NEWS FLASH SWEETIE, few people give two good shits if your here or on mars. And I for one, know that its maybe 1 girl and 4 boys, so lock yourself away. I think its funny how you can wiggle thouse bulky hips, and flash those eye and get whoever you want, ohh baby girl you can. But I bet thoughs boys are just in it for your body and your mind, which I wouldn't want from a boy anyhow. I'm not making sense anymore, obvisously, your not worth this. I can't stand you, and I think your full of crap, plan and simple. I'm not upset over these thing you say I am, I'm upset because you call me your "best friend" and you treat me like crap and make excuses for your mistakes. Try me one more time, and I'll make you wish you hadn't. Don't make that poor white dog be you.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, someone is not happy. Well, i guess best friends can do that to a girl...or a boy...
